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021 230 0964

Hartford Honey Farm is nestled in the hills of Whitehall, just outside the picturesque town of Cambridge.

Our Bees forage predominantly on Kanuka, Kamahi and Rewarewa.

Our Honey

From Hartford Honey Farm we are proud to bring you delicious Kanuka Bush Honey. Our honey is kept raw and as close to nature as possible, packaged in 100% recycled and recyclable plastic.

Enjoy our sweet Kanuka honey straight from our hives to your home...

More than just a delicious Honey

Not only does Kanuka Honey taste delicious, but studies have shown that it can also be an effective treatment for skin conditions.

Wholesale - Let's work together

Our products are available to Wholesale and at Hartford Honey Farm we welcome enquiries from unique food, health and retail stores that support sustainable business practices. 


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